贝蒂Marín, ACTA项目经理

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2020年7月和8月, the Alliance for California Traditional Arts hosted a five-part series of workshops called La Cultura (文化治疗). 我们的“建设健康社区”艺术家研究员们主持了在线会议,重点讨论传统艺术如何在巨大压力下引导我们走向治愈与和平. 在这个问答环节, ACTA项目经理Betty Marín与艺术家研究员露丝·玛琳·科德罗和属性门德斯谈论传统艺术与心理健康的相关性.

Participants in the online La Cultura workshop series.

“La Cultura: Using the traditional arts to cope with stress 和 anxiety” was an online workshop series that grew out of almost a decade of work in Boyle Heights with the 建立健康社区 initiative funded by 的 California Endowment.  在这个节目中, hg体育官网提升了以社区知识和文化为中心的传统艺术实践,倡导健康公平, 青年投资, anti-displacement努力, 恢复性司法, the expansion of physical 和 mental health services in Boyle Heights. 通过共同创造的过程, 订婚, 幸福, collective change that are embedded in the traditional arts, ACTA的艺术家研究员为日常活动人士创造了生活和实践他们希望在社区内外看到的变化的途径. 

ACTA artist fellows with an altar decorated with paper flores de cempazuchitl.

ACTA的模式是在Boyle Heights的每个个人健康公平运动中安排一名传统艺术家和一名学员.  师徒关系反映了传统艺术背景下的师生关系,确保了集体知识的传播. 的 La Cultura series was an opportunity for the artists to work together across four campaigns: 健康源于预防健康发生在学校 东区领导, 投资于青年. Artist Fellows lifted up mental health 和 wellness as essential to the activism work we do, 特别是在我们继续面对COVID-19大流行的时候,我们所有人的焦虑和压力都在加剧.

我们与 洛杉矶县心理健康部门 通过他们的Promotora项目, 它支持文化敏感的社区健康教育者,这些教育者致力于向拉丁裔社区和其他服务不足的社区提供有关心理健康和其他健康问题的资源. 我们与发起人Maria Moreno合作,将她的心理健康课程与由我们的艺术家研究员领导的传统艺术部分结合起来. 的 program focused on how cultural practices support our healing through 订婚 with plants, 祭坛, 写歌, other day to day traditional practices. 的 series included five weekly sessions that took place between July 和 August 2020. 

In this story, we invited two of the artists to share their experiences in these workshops: 露丝·玛琳·科德罗 属性门德斯. 在过去的三年里,路斯在“预防健康”运动中得到了Ofelia Esparza和Rosanna Esparza Ahrens的指导. 达利拉是东区领导运动的艺术家研究员,近两年来一直致力于反对流离失所和公平发展. 

What workshop did you lead 和 how did you develop the theme?


的 workshop that I carried out was on loss 和 grief: El Rebozo de Bienestar, with the support 和 guidance of my teachers Mrs. Ofelia Esparza 和 her daughter Rosanna Esparza Ahrens. 的 theme was developed with the cultural context in mind first. 第二个, the pain of loss without being able to say goodbye, especially in these p和emic times that are affecting the entire world.

One of the main activities during the workshop was making a paper flower. 的 cempazuchitl地板 (cempasúchil) is the traditional flower used by many Mexican communities, 尤其是在瓦哈卡州, 创造传统的祭坛,是为了纪念和纪念我们所爱的人,他们已经在超越进入神性的过程中.




我领导了这个研讨会 Planting seeds of healing: how to use plants to heal. 正如我们所讨论的 la 文化的看台 [文化如何治愈疾病], 它激发了纪念我们祖先hg体育平台植物的故事和知识以及它们如何治愈的主题. In our 和 all communities we have so much cultural knowledge that we can all learn from, 重温, 和荣誉. This workshop was inspired by the healing properties of plants that my gr和mother imparted to me.  在我们的研讨会上,我们讨论了我们对植物的记忆和知识,以及我们与地球的联系. I presented four plants that can be easily found either in your neighborhood or at your local store.  的 plants we talked about were chamomile, 薰衣草, mint 和 lemon balm 和 their help with alleviating stress 和 anxiety.   



自从我加入BHC之后, 我试图在我的作品中反映,传统艺术不仅可以成为建立更健康社区的过渡桥梁, but also to do it with commitment 和 dedication. 今天, 我觉得我们已经能够唤醒我们社区中存在的需要,以实现更好的情感平衡.


It reflects the work by continuing the dialogue around l和 和 cultural knowledge. 我们继续讨论我们与土地和植物的联系,以此来帮助建立健康的社区.


What did you learn or reaffirm by leading this workshop? hg体育平台你自己? hg体育平台传统艺术?


By guiding this workshop I learned that although we are distancing socially, 我们可以连接和传递爱和情感或精神治疗的信息,这是所有人在失去和悲伤的过程中所需要的,但我们经常因为耻辱或批评的原因而隐藏起来.

至于我自己, I have managed to visualize the death or loss of a loved one as the ultimate liberation of the soul, 达到神圣的超越, leaving pain behind 和 celebrating life 和荣誉ing the person who has passed. As for the traditional or ancestral arts, 我正在学习回到他们身边,我的目标是教育新一代,因为随着现代化的发展,我们把他们留在了过去.


的 workshops reaffirmed the teachings that had been passed down to me through my gr和mother. 在我们分享祖先hg体育平台植物和迁徙的记忆时,我对我们的文化知识的重要性和来自我们传统艺术的治疗有了更深的联系.

What was the process like to develop the series with the other artists?

A community altar created as part of the 建立健康社区 Boyle Heights program.

At the beginning, to develop this series of workshops we had more questions than answers. But as we became clear about the objective, which was to bring the community a space to 重温 our ancestral traditions, 一切都很自然地进行着, 每个艺术家都把自己的教导和经验联系起来,传递一种精神治疗的信息,我们每个人都是实现这一目标的工具.


的 beautiful thing about this series of workshops has been the collaborative effort between us as a group. It was very generative 和 inspiring working with this group of artists.  通过彼此合作,我们能够创造一个系列,创造一个容器,通过传统艺术和祖先的知识来治愈.

What impact were you able to see in the people who participated?


在我指导的hg体育平台失去和悲伤的研讨会上,我能够产生的影响是非常令人兴奋的,因为每个参与者都根据自己的需要经历了它. 最重要的事实是,一些人如何设法与他们的祖先联系,以及在治疗过渡中如何与 El Rebozo de Bienestar they managed to release part of that pain that had them tied to a specific episode in their lives.


的 participants 和 presenters were intergenerational 和 fully present.  People shared many personal stories that were very important to the workshop 和 space. 的 workshops transformed me 和 by the participants accounts many felt that the workshops were healing, 强大和授权. 


Has it inspired you to do more related work? 你的设想是什么??


我从参与者那里得到的积极回应非常令人满意,它激励我继续学习必要的工具,继续在社区工作,解决与治疗和实现心理平衡有关的问题. I imagine transmitting to the new generations the meaning, mysticism 和 beauty of traditional 祭坛. 



Watch all the La Cultura live videos on ACTA的YouTube页面.

All photos are courtesy of 露丝·玛琳·科德罗 和 属性门德斯 for ACTA.

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